Thank you to all my readers!

Brock’s Spirit arrived on June 6, 2023!

Brock's Railroad won the gold medal from the Independent Publisher's Awards for Wartime Fiction.

Brock's Traitor made the FRONT COVER of the Historical Novels Review!!!

Brock's Assassin has arrived! Remember that Jonathan Westlake makes a great gift anytime!


June 2, 2024

Hello Tom,  I am a big fan of your work, the Brock series has been great! I tried to find a copy of Brock’s spirit on a recent trip to Ontario. I tried several locations, including upper Canada Village and Fort Wellington. I live in Alberta and would like to pick up a copy, but I also I’ve had trouble sourcing it online. could you let me know if I could buy a copy directly from you or are there other western stores that carry your books? Please let me know. Thank you very much. Lee June 2, 2024

Thanks for the support, Lee. Best bet is Chapters/Indigo but Blue heron Books will also mail you a copy. Tom

It seems my printed book reading is now a summer event. I can read outdoors without reading glasses! I just finished Brock’s Railroad. Brilliant! Reminds me of Bernard Cornwell’s Sharpe series, with a local flavour. I have a strong desire to visit Brock’s Monument again. Onto Brock’s Traitor. Thank you for writing this wonderful series. Cheers, Chris

Happy you enjoyed the story! Look for the plaque at Brock’s Monument honouring the 38 Black Americans that fought at the battle of Queenston Heights. that plaque gave me the idea for Brock’s Railroad. Cheers, Tom

June 2, 2024

Hello Tom,  We met a few years back at a Battle of Stoney Creek reenactment event. I had already read a couple of your books in the series and was able to purchase your latest at the event which you signed for me. I have been waiting and expecting another in the series and I just read you are releasing Brock’s Spirit. I recently moved and now live in New Brunswick. Where might I find a copy? I look forward to hearing from you and reading your latest book. Respectfully,

Raymond Mercuri

Hi Ray, Thanks for getting in touch. Best bet is Chapters/Indigo but Blue Heron Books will also mail out books. Thanks, Tom

April 26

While we were traveling from Maine to Michigan last year, we stopped by Niagara on the Lake and Niagara Home Bakery for some sausage rolls and other goodies. I was born and raised in Youngstown across the river and have loved and frequented Niagara on the Lake since the early 1960's. Niagara on the Lake was a fairly sleepy little town in those days, but the bakery and Greaves were regular haunts of mine. Fort George was directly across the river from my back yard, and my first summer job was as a tour guide at Fort Niagara. My daughter noticed your books on display and surprised me with books 1-4 of your Brock's series for Christmas, and I must say as I'm nearing the end of "Brock's Assassin", how very much I've enjoyed your work. I'm keen on finding the fifth volume, and look forward to enjoying that as well. Growing up where I did, and spending so much time exploring the area, I've always been a little disappointed that I haven't found more written about the events of the early 1800's, particularly the Canadian perspective, so these stories have struck a strong chord with me. My future son-in-law gave me Pierre Berton's1812 this past Christmas as well, so I've been fairly well immersed these past few months. Thanks again from someone who has waited many years for stories just like yours. Cheers, Steve, Freeport, Maine

Hello Steve,

Very happy you enjoyed the 4 books. There is a fifth one now: Brock’s Spirit. You can get it through Chapters/Indigo or the closest store to Maine is Upper Canada Village just west of Cornwall. And I hope you got both Pierre Berton’s books: The Invasion of Canada and Flames Across the Border. Thanks for the kind words, Tom

April 24, 2024

I read your first these books and couldn’t put them down!  I think they should be part of the Ontario curiculum.  Just great pieces of art!


Thanks, Jory.

April 7, 2024

Hi Tom

Glad to hear you’re continuing to write. I was wondering though whether you were going to write more 1812 novels, with or without Jonathan Westlake. All the best,  Trevor

Yes, there will be another Westlake novel! Tom

February 26, 2024

Hey Tom,  thank you so much for writing the amazing series on the War of 1812. Every book and adventure of Westlake kept me on the edge of my seat. Just finished Brock’s Spirit tonight and wanted to know if there is another book coming in the series on the Battle of Chateauguay? Greg

Thanks Greg. It sounds like you enjoyed reading them as much as I liked writing them. Chateauguay? Maybe but I’m finishing a new novel called ROBIN AND MARION: IN THE BEGINNING   Watch for it coming soon! Tom

September 12

Dear Mr. Taylor

I first saw your books at Old Fort Erie, shortly after the Bicentennial and was intrigued about them and then life got in the way......Fast forward to last year when my wife bought me "Brock's Agent" for my birthday, while celebrating in Niagara On The Lake. I was absolutely captivated with the tale of Jonathan Westlake and the way that you weave the story into the War of 1812.  I couldn't wait til I received the second volume at Christmas and I was not disappointed.  We returned to the Prince of Wales, once again to celebrate our birthdays (a week apart) and she presented me with "Brock's Traitor" this year.  WOW!!! I am completely blown over with this series.  I have (successfully) asked her if we can return to NOTL and pick up the fourth volume - I will try to holdout until Christmas for "Brock's Spirit".  

A little bit about me:  I am a lifelong resident of Niagara - currently living in Port Colborne.  I grew up in Thorold and used to ride my bike to the east side of the Tunnel to explore what was (I didn't realize it though at the time) the old Beaverdams Battlefield, the Old Bishop Fuller House, the cemetery and the abandoned Third Welland Canal. I always loved local history and found a particular love for the 19th century and how it touched us locally  - Thorold and Niagara Region (the Welland Canals, the War of 1812, settlement and development of the economy of the area).

I am also an historian and author, although mainly amateur.  I have however written several booklets, pamphlets and walking tours of the Welland Canals, particularly the self published work, "The Historic Welland Canals at Port Colborne". I love going to the old forts and battlefields in our area to explore and imagine what it was like back during the War of 1812, which through your books have given me a new eye on the period and a wonderful escape to that era! Although I am unable to write fiction, perhaps with your novels as inspiration I may endeavour to tackle the War of 1812 in some capacity - maybe the Battle of Beaverdams?

I just wanted to give you a tiny glimpse into one of your series' newest fans, but more importantly to thank you for a great series!!!!


Thank you for the kind words. It’s readers like you that make the effort worthwhile. The chronological order of the books has changed in that the just released Brock’s Spirit slides in between Traitor and Assassin. Please tell your friends about my books. Thanks again.

July 5, 2023

Hi Tom

My wife and I took a ride to Kingston last week and picked up your new book at Brocks Commissary, from Chris.

Just finished reading it last night, another great read. I see there could be at least another volume coming out of the end of that book, I hope still more War to cover!

If you do continue the series, and get to the time period of the building of the Prince Regent at Kingston, if you don't already know, I could give you some info on that. Built there by my Great Great Great Grandfather, Patrick Fleming who was brought from Quebec City. He had his own ship yard at Quebec City.

The other amazing thing, the Prince Regent is still at Kingston. Well, what’s left of it. It sits in shallow water, in Dead Mans Bay, Kingston.  What’s left is the bow and ribs and probably debris on the bottom.

In the Fort there, in a back room, which I saw, they have the so called guns off the ship. But they aren’t, even though they are. The guns did come off the ship but they were from an earlier time period from another ship of unknown origin used for ballast only. The actual guns were taken of the Prince before it was intentionally sunk in Dead Mans Bay.

Going back to 1850, the ship was at the dock in Kingston and they tried to auction it off, $50 could have bought it, but no one would bid that much. (crazy huh !) So it was taken to Dead Mans Bay and sunk there with the idea if those Americans ever tried this again, it could be raised and refitted for war.

I think it would be a bit on the difficult ,at this point in time LOL

Good luck on the future volume, I hope.


Bill Fleming

Hello Bill, Wonderful story! Happy you enjoyed Brock’s Spirit.

November 3, 2019 I purchased the Brock series of books tonight. My sisters and I were thrilled to find your books for our father, Andrew who is a huge Canadian history buff. We are getting them for a Christmas present for him. Thanks for writing the books, and could you let me know in which order they should be read? Regards, Laura

I hope your father enjoys the books. Let me know! Generally they follow the order of Agent, Railroad, Traitor, and Assassin.

October 24, 2019 I just finished your book [Agent] and, while it seemed a little contrived in the beginning, it became more accurate and compelling as the story developed. I was very impressed by the accuracy of your description of the Nottawasaga route from Geogian Bay towards Toronto. Thanks for a fine book, I appreciated the opportunity to read it. David [This email has been editied for length.]

Thanks for your candid comments, David. I hope you go on to read Brock's Railroad that won a Gold medal IPPY award.

2019 - To answer a lot of your questions that have come in over the course of the year:

1] The name of the novel I have been writing is Robin and Marion, In the Beginning. It is now with my agent and looking for a publishing home;

2] I have just started working on a new Westlake novel called Brock's Spirit. And no, I'm not telling anyone what it is about!

Saturday November 10, 2018 Just wondering when the fifth book of the Brock series is going to be published. My brother in law loves the series and I would like to get it for him as a gift. Thank you, Megan

Hi Megan, I have not written the story yet because I'm working on another novel. One day maybe I'll return to my friend Jonathan Westlake. Thanks for the interest.

Monday, April 16, 2018 That was the best series I have ever read. Very interesting and hard to put down. But I have a complaint ... it ended. I am in NY State, but all my family comes from Canada. My great great great grandfather Patrick Fleming had a shipyard in Quebec City and during the War of 1812 he was brought to Kingston by the British to build the Prince Regent, which eventually bombed Oswego, NY. LOL The rest of my family is of French origin through Quebec. Anything else in the works?

Thanks for the kind words, Bill. Very interesting family. I have another novel in the works but it is not 1812 related. I have an idea for a new 1812 story so maybe next year.

This is too weird. The following email from 2015 just showed up in my in box!

Feb 15/ 2015 Just finished reading your four novels since Christmas. Thoroughly enjoyed the way you weave history and fiction into an enjoyable tale featuring Jonathan Westlake. Was particularly interested in your historical note in Brock's Traitor regarding the waterfront park in Gananoque. As a War of 1812 history buff who chaired the re-enactment of the Raid on Gananoque in August of 2012, I was a member of the committee that conceived, fundraised and brought Joel Stone Heritage Park to reality. This year, we are memorializing our town's founder Col. Joel Stone with a more fitting granite marker at Willowbank Cemetery.

I await the tale of how Mr. Westlake rescues the young German lady from the grips of those nasty Americans. Enjoy your writing. Paul in Gaananoque, ON

Thanks for your kind words, Paul. I hope the celebrations for Col. Stone went well. Tom

October 21, 2017 Fantastic! I just finished Brock's Assassin. When is the next one coming out? Sidney

I'm hard at work on another adventure story but I'm afraid Westlake will have to wait a little longer. Tom

Sept 28, 2017 I wanted to tell you that I very much enjoyed the novels that you've written. I tend to dive heart first into a novel, and the great ones truly leave you changed. A handful of great authors have influenced the thoughts, feelings, and actions that I base my life on. You are now one of them! Your novels have affected me deeply, and I wanted to thank you for it.

So there it is. I hope to get another adventure out of you soon, sir!

Kindest regards, Jessica

Well Jessica, you've made my day! Thank you very much for your kind words. I am working on another adventure right now that should be of great appeal to you. Thanks again, Tom

Sept 24, 2017 I purchased three of your books: Brock's Agent , Railroad , and Traitor. Is there a sequence that I should read them or are they stand alone stories? Carl

Hi Carl,

They are stand alone but the order I wrote them in is Brock's Agent, Railroad, Traitor, and finally Assassin. for 60 seconds of fun you can Youtube Brock's Agent. Tell your friends! Thanks, Tom

July 9, 2017 Once again this fall, I will be searching for Jonathan Westlake in Newark, checking Queeston Heights and Fort George. I have yet to meet him but know that his spirit is there. I can sense it.

I have read with interest TRAITOR, AGENT, and just completed RAILROAD. A fascinating and remarkable series. thank you for the opportunity to be part of that terrible time in our history. Norman

Thanks, Norman. Very nice of you to say.

June 27, 2017 Have you thought of tieing in de la Salaberry into your Westlake stories? Tim

Yes, but I'm not sure that the dates line up for him to be there.

June 6, 2017 I don't know if Scotland is about to leave the UK, but maybe this is what you were unwittingly saying when you referred to the Untied Kingdom !

I have read three of your marvellous historical novels . I am looking forward to the latest one. Had you thought of a tie with Old Ironsides, the ship in Boston harbour? Maybe this would be getting too close to Horatio Hornblower, though. A Canada - UK co-production of one of your stories would be a great thing.

I found Brock's Agent while wandering around Kingston, ON. Tim

Hello Tim,

Yikes! good catch. We'll get it fixed. I try to stay stay far away from the Hornblower and Sharpe stories. I get asked all the time to somehow bring them together. I love everything from both authors and would never do anything to impinge on their stories. In every one of my novels, I always thank Bernard Cornwell for showing the rest of us the way forward in writing historical fiction.

May 10, 2017 I have finished all four books and am anticipating further adventures from Mr. Westlake. At the end of Brock's Assassin, the war had not quite finished and I would really like to know how it ends! [Wink Wink]

Are you currently working on furthering the series. What becomes the fate of Major Nelles? Does he settle in Grimsby, Ontario [Nelles Road]. What becomes of the tiny hamlet of Shipman's Corners? Captain Sherritt still has to build that canal. Will it get built? I await answers in upcoming books. I can't seem to get enough of these great reads. Mike Gander

Hi Mike,

Thanks for the comments. Shipman's Corners changes its name to St. Catherines just as Elizabethtown changed its name to Brockville. Of course, the canal does get built - the Welland Canal. right now I'm working on something totally different so Westlake is still resting up. Cheers!

April 16, 2017 Just finished the first two books. Looking forward to starting the next one. In St. Catherines, I am very close to where a lot of the actions took place, therefore, I have a keen interest in the history behind the books. Richard Pierpoint, for example, settled in Grantham Township, very close to where I live.

I find the books and the fictional characters absolutely amazing and the fact that history is not bent [for the most part,] facinating.

I look forward to the next two reads and hope that there are more to come, after that, with Jonathan Westlake. Michael Gander

Thanks Michael - Much appreciated. I'm working on something a little different right now but Westlake may ride again!

April 15, 2017 - Hey Mr. Taylor - I have just picked up a copy of Brock's Traitor thinking it was the first of the series [ they were arranged in what I took to be their correct order.] I am a fan of Canadian history and look forward to the books. Do they need to be read in order or is this a good place to begin? Thanks. Buddy Maclean.

The first in the series is Brock's Agent followed by Brock's Railroad. They are all stand alone stories so it is not manatory to read them in chronological order. However, that is how I wrote them. Enjoy!

October 6, 2016 Hey Tom, Just wanted to drop you a line from the Friendly City of Belleville , Ontario. I bought a copy of Brock's Agent from General Brock's Commissary in Kingston and I am totally spellbound.

Your writing is definitely on par with the likes of Stockwin, Forester, O'Brien, and Cornwell. I bought the rest of the books a week later and can't wait to start them. Hopefully the adventure of Westlake won't end soon. Cameron

Thanks, Cameron. I think the series gets better as it goes along. Please tell your friends your thoughts. Tom

October 1, 2016 Just a quick note to tell you how much I enjoyed reading your four books with the adventures of Jonathan Westlake. I just could not put them down once I started reading them. I will keep my eyes open for any other publication by you. Ed

Hello Ed, Happy you enjoyed the stories! Please tell your friends. My readers are the best marketing team in the world. Youtube Brock's Agent for 60 seconds of fun. Thanks again.

August 5, 2016 Just finished Brock's Assassin [I have read all four] and you intimate young Westlake has a few more battles in him [in true Cornwelian style.] Would you advise me if a fifth book is in the offing and when it might become published? David

Hi David, I am not writing a Westlake novel at the moment but I have the story for some future date when I have the time. I'm working on a different manuscript at the moment.

August 4, 2016 I have purchaed all four of your books concerning the exploits of Mr. Westlake. I have read 3 of them and I am three quarters of the way through the fourth. Can we expect a fifth or even [yes I grow bold] a sixth?

As an avid War of 1812 history buff I have found these books fantastic. You bring to life a stunning chapter in Canada's hostory. Please keep writing dear sir as you have a gift and I suspect as avid an interest in "Madison's war" as anyone. Thank you for the pleasure of reading these fine books. Robert

Hi Robert, You are very kind. I'm working on a new project right now but I might return to our friend Mr. Westlake one day. It depends on the demand.

May 28, 2016 I have read your four books in the series and enjoyed them immensely and have recommended them to my firends. I was wondering if you have any other books forthcoming. I look forward to reading more of your work in the future. Regards, Rick.

Hi Rick, Thank you for the kind words and recommendation. If you can make a post to Facebook or LinkedIn that would be even better! Yes, I am writing a new book with a WW1 backdrop. It is a coming of age story for a young girl and a nation featuring the 7th Battalion from Vancouver. should be out in the new year.

May 22, 2016 Just about half way through Brock's Assassin and enjoying it very much. In reading your acknowledgements, I couldn't agree more with your last paragraph. You see my Gilmor's father's great-grandfather [that is correct, only one] was Brock's Assistant Commissary, General Robert Gilmor. I can send you a link quoting some of his letters from the westerly part of the front requesting more support. Mike

Hello - That link was fantastic, Mike. Thanks very much. And thanks for posting my book on your facebook and twitter pages. Much appreciated. I always tell readers that they are the marketing dept. for the Brock series.

May 2, 2016 - I want to help put this series on the big screen! We need a patriotic hero. :) Crystal

Hello Crystal - I agree. Call the head of the CBC or DHX Media. Yes, we do need a hero! That's why I wrote the series.

April 30, 2016 Love your writing. I am looking for your 3 other books. I have Brock's Agent. None of the others are available in my area. As well, I would like to get them signed by you as well. I live in Stoney Creek, Ontario. Mike

Hi Mike and thanks for the kind words. My books are available in Indigo/Chapters and Chapters Online. Plus you can buy them at Spencer's in Hamilton, The Niagara Home Bakery in Niagara on The Lake, and at Table Rock right at the Falls. I usually do a signing event once a year at Table Rock. it has not been planned yet for this summer.

July 15, 2015 I am pleased to announce that Bonnier Publishing out of the UK will be publishing all my novels as E-Books. So all the UK readers who have asked me over the years will now have access to the Brock series.

December 22,2015

This past October my wife and I were vacationing in Niagara-on-the-Lake and in one of the stores noticed all four of the Brock books signed by you. I purchased the first one of the series and began reading. Discovering after only two chapters how enjoyable your book is we went back and purchased the other three. This morning I'm now into Chapter 4 of Brock's Assassin.

Congratulations on such excellent writing and the award that you have received. A. Pearson, CPA, CMA, BAS

Thanks for the kind words. Let me know how you enjoy Brock's Assassin. And Merry Christmas! Tom

December 3 I enjoyed all four books immensely. Every Canadian should read this series. Thanks for the great reads. You suggest at the end that Mr. Westlake has more battles to fight, whicI will enthusiastically assume means more books. Keep up the great work. Terry.

Thanks very much, Terry. Haven't started a new Brock book yet. We'll see what the fans want!

November 26, I finished reading Brock's Agent yesterday and it was a pretty good job. Aaron

Thanks Aaron, kind words are always appreciated!

May 18, 2015 Picked up all your books at the Niagara Home Bakery while visiting Niagara Falls. Thoroughly enjoyable read. I could see every detail in my mind. Thomas, Sweden.

Hope you enjoyed your trip to Canada! I'm delighted you had a good read from my novels. Tom

January 15, 2015, Have all four of your Brock's Collection, have not been able to put them down. Is there a fifth one coming? Len.

That's as good as it gets from an author's point of view. I'm working on a WW1 sotry at present.

January 5, 2015 After meeting you this summer in Niagara on the Lake I went out and bought the series. I just finished Brock's Agent and enjoyed it. Although I must admit a bit of a conflict cheering for the British. I enjoy the way you weave fact and fiction. Living in Clayton, NY ... so close to the very locations bring the stories to life. Thanks for the good reading. Jim

Nice to hear from our American friends!

November 31, 2014 Thoroughly enjoying your books. Know all the places. I'm UEL. Decendant of John Adams. Pat

Nice to hear from you, Pat. Enjoy!

November 23, 2014 I wnated to let you know that my father enjoyed your book very much. I wanted to ask where you recommend I buy the others? Ann

Thanks, Ann. Chapters is as good a place as any.

November 23, 2014. Just finished reading your books and wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed them. While I've read many books on the War of 1812, yours make it fun and exciting. My 3G-GF was a Lt. Edward Murray with the 100th Regiment. He fought in many of the battles you pull into your stories which offer a more visual aspect of what he might have gone through.[editied] Regards, Dave Murray, Brockville, On.

Thanks for letting me know about Lt. Murray. It's wonderful to have our history so close at hand.

November 1, 2014. Listened to your interview on Canoe FM a few weeks ago. I subsequently purchased Brock's Railroad and am happily engrossed reading it. I own a home in the west end of Kingston known as Stonewatch. It was built 200 years ago by Joshua Booth and according to legend was used to watch for enemy ships! Back to my reading... Carole

Thanks for the info, Carole. Brock's Traitor is the book for you becasue it takes place in great part around Kingston!

Oct 6, 2014 Very nice to meet and chat with you at the Newmarket Library. I must admit that I usually don't read historical fiction. However, I quite liked your book[Brock's Agent]. The map included didn't show all the places mentioned and I had to guess as to where some places were located. Brian

Nice to meet you too, Brian.

Sept 16, 2014 I am currently reading Brock's Agent after having it recommended by Ben Kane. I wanted to thank you for writing such a marvellous book. I'm just sad the others are not available in the UK. Historical fictions is a passion of mine so i was delighted to find a book exploring a less well known period and conflict. I have a copy of the next book being shipped form the states and look forward to reading the complete series. Keep up the great work. Peter.

Thanks, Peter. To have a recommendation from the illustrious Mr. Kane is indeed an honour! Most of our British cousins do not know much about the Napoleonic side show that was fought for the future of North America. I am searching for a UK publisher but alas no luck so far.

August 20, 2014 - Just finished Brock's Agent on my Mexico vacation. Loved it! Very reminiscent of the Sharpe series in style. Hope sales are well enough to continue the sereis. Have to buy Brock's Railroad as well. Bob

Hi Bob, the series is continuing as Brock's Assassin is out late summer.

May 26, 2014 Hello Mr. Taylor, My name is Mathew. I'm a high school student from Thunder Bay, Ontario. I recently read your novel, Brock's Agent. i absolutely loved it and have decided to write an assay about it for my grade 12 English class. I am looking for credible reviews which talk about theme and character development.. Any suggestioins would be appreciated. Mathew

Hi Mathew, Thanks for reaching out to me. Go to the Historical Novels Review website and google Brock's Agent. They had a nice review there but not as in depth as I think you are looking for. If you look at the review for Brock's Traitor on the same site, it might give you some more ideas.

April 20, 2014 Dear Tom, Just writing to let you know that I've finished your 3rd effort and it's just as good a read as the others if not better. I see your first is Amazon UK and hopefully the 2nd will be out soon so that I can get the Kindle version just like I have the first. Do you have an idea how many books you have westlake getting into? When is your next one coming out and what will the focus be on? Nick

Thanks Nick. Brock's Assassin will be out late summer. Someone had to burn Washington.

April 2014 - Hello Tom - I've read all three of your books and eagerly await the next three or more! Your prose bring us right into the action of the day, which is probably the closest many of us will ever get to the "real thing."

Your books are welcome additions to my personal library on the War of 1812 and are prominently located front and centre ... wonderful, thought-provoking, genuinely readable material ... do you have a target date for a new release. Kind regards, Bill

Very kind words, Bill. Thanks. The release date is late summer for Brock's Assassin.

January 13, 2014 Just finished the third of your Brock series and enjoyed them all immensely. Art

Thanks Arthur.

December 12 - Well done. As an 1812 reenactor i enjoy reading stories about the war here in Canada. This would make a great movie. I have asked for the other two books under the tree. I hope you keep the series going. Mike and Kim

Thank you to Mike and Kim. I hope you got the books for Christmas! And yes, i plan to keep the series going with Brock's Assassin due out in the late summer.

November 7 I've just finished Brock's Agent. Absolutely superb book!!! Could you please tell me will Brock's Railroad and Brock's Traitor be available as ebooks for the Amazon Kindle in the UK? How many books are planned for the Brock Series? Best, Scott Mcsloy

Happy you enjoyed the story, Scott. I do not have a publisher for the other two novels yet. There is another novel in the works. Thanks again, Tom

Sept 3 - I have just finished Brock's Agent, the first of three books which I got from you in Midland. It is a great read. Well done. I put you in the same class as Patrick O'Brian. Peter Ridout

Thanks Peter. Very kind of you say this. Special comapny indeed!!

July 3 - I have finished Brock's Traitor and loved it. Can't wait for the next book. I read your acknowledgements and remember when Tom Fournier joined the 41st - now he's the commanding officer. I've stayed in the Ontario Hotel[Sackets Harbor] and have one of their t-shirts. Waiting for your next book. Larry

Thanks for all this, Larry. Tom Fournier has been a great to me to keep the novels accurate.

June 28 - I enjoyed your book Brock's Agent. I love fiction and really appreciated the interwining of fact and fiction. The Histoical Notes chapter was wonderful. i learned a lot about history in an entertaning way. Dian

Happy you enjoyed the story. B. Railroad just won a gold medal! Yahooooo!

June 14 - I have just completed the first book in the series, Brock's Agent and it was fantastic! I am a member of Goodreads and if you are interested, I did leave a review. Absolutely enjoyed the book and look forward to Westlake's next adventure. Bernie

Thanks so much for your endorsement Bernie! I need all the help i can get. If anyone else cares to send a note in to Goodreads, Amazon, or Chapters, I would very much appreciate it.

Feb 21 I grew up in Amhesrtburg, Ontario and attended high school across the street from Fort Malden. I realy enjoyed your book Brock's Agent. My only complaint is that it had to end. Max

Thanks Max.

February 23/13 I received a Chapter's Card last year for my birthday and bought both Brock's Agent and Brock's Railroad. I loved the adventure and the historical aspect of them. I had to force myself to put them away so I could get some sleep! Can't wait until April to buy Brock's Traitor. Thelma.

Thanks, Thelma. Most kind of you to say so. Please tell your friends. I need lots of help telling people about my books.

Feb 12/13 Just finished Brock's Railroad. A very enjoyable read. I love following the situations that Westlake gets into along his travels. Ryan.

Feb 12/13 I was in Niagara-on-the-Lake and bought two books at a Bakery. I read them and really enjoyed them. when is the next book coming out. Larry Lozon

Hi Larry, Brock's Traitor is due out to be published in April. Tom

February 19/13 I just finished Brock's Railroad. Another good story. Is there more to come? Rachelle

Yes, Brock's Traitor will be out in April! Tom

January 3/13 The book club to which I belong here Brockville,ON is convening on Jan 14 to discuss your book, Brock's Agent. It was a terrific read and i look forward to reading the next two books. Pat

Dec 26/ I was given two of your books for Christmas and I am almost through the first, Brock's Agent. I am thoroughly enjoying it and I am looking forward tothe second one "Brock's Railroad." Rachelle

Dec 14 I read your first book on my dock, next to my 135 year old row boat and a 100 year old canoe - sounds a little eccentric i know, but at least my 7 year old daughter can row and paddle, but more more importantly knows, the importance of crossingthe "T". History is more fun when you can really play with it ... Neil

Thanks for bringing the history of our area to life ... have a great Chrismas ... Nick.

Merry Christmas to you and your family, Nick. Tom

Novv 18 Dear Tom, Just finished reading your second book and thought it a terrific read and can't wait to read the third. It would take some going to include Brock in the title for the next J Westlake story. I'm certainly interested in the next storey especially if you base it on York/Toronto [having been there a couple of times.] I also want to congratulate you on the fact that Brock's Agent will be available from the middle of July next year year on and presumably other outlets as well. This should give those British readers of Historical fiction [especially Napoleonic] something new to enjoy and hopefully increase the popularity of your books.



Thanks, Nick. The best comment a writer can hear is that the reader enjoyed the last book and wants to read the next one. Thank you. I'm working day and night to hit the deadlines so Brock's Traitor can be out for April. Tom

Nov 5 From one Gunner[D Bty 2RCHA] to another, and fellow Militiaman [C Coy Lorne Scots], as well as a teacher and fellow lover of history, let me congratulate you on a job well done.

I have just finished both Brock's Agent and Brock's Railroad. I found both works to be entertaining, unbiased, informative, and accurate. I look forward to future books. Keep up the good work. In good health,

Chris Wood, B.A., B.Ed., DSW., RMT

It's nice to hear that a critical eye has read and enjoyed the books. As for future novels, Brock's Traitor should be out in April 2013.


I am really enjoying Brock's Agent and am already looking at buying Brock's Railroad. Fantastic storytelling. I will keep my eye on your events page - here's hoping for a continuation of the series and a signing in Ottawa.

Is Brock's Agent your first book? If so, i am very impressed. All the best, a new fan,


Thanks Dave,

Yes, Brock's Agent is my first book. Brock's Railroad is the second and third will be Brock's Traitor. Why not have a Canadian hero?! Tell your friends about the series and be part of building the legend. You'll be able to say, I read about Jonathan Westlake first!!!


Thanks, Bob.

September 9/12 I read Brosk's Agent last year and just finished Brock's Railroad tonight, thoroughly enjoyed them both. I'm looking forward to the next one.

August 19/12 Finished BR and enjoyed the faster pace. You are definitely are a first rate story teller. Look forward to the next one! Phil.

Thanks for the endorsement, Sandra. I need all my readers to tell their friends about the books. Thanks again.

Sept 2/12 Having enjoyed Brock's Agent, i didn't hesitate tomakeit my selection for our Probus Book Club. Sandra.

Nice of you to write in. Thanks, Josh.

August 14/12 I have just finished reading both your novels on the War of 1812. I loved them. I eagerly await Westlake's next adventure. Josh.

Yes, roger, the next one in the series should be out in April 2013. Please tell your friends about the series. I don't have a big Publishing company behind me with a huge marketing budget so I need all the readers who like my novels to help me.

August 13/12 Do you have plans to write any more 1812 Jonathan Westlake novels as sequels? Roger

To all my readers: Please go to the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa. They have the best exhibit on the War of 1812 ever shown! My congratulations to the exhibit designers. Truly brilliant!!!

July 18/12 Loved reading your book Brock's Agent. I live in Barrie and am just steps away from Ross Street, or the Nine Mile Trail. Always have had an interest in the War of 1812 and you brought it all to life. I'll be picking up the sequel as soon as possible! Neil

Thanks Neil. I love to hear when readers identify with my books. Glad you enjoyed it. Tom

Thanks for letting me know.June 28/12 A very stirring book. I thought you dealt with the issue of Brock's last words well. I look forward to reading of Westlake's adventures for the next ten years. Sincerely, Patrick.

Thanks Patrick. I hope to write the adventures for ten years.Tom

June 13/12 VeryVery well done. Hard to put down once I got started, and look forward to reading Book 2 . Phill

It's in Chapters now. Tom

May 21/12 Great work. Cathy

April 13/ 12 I really enjoyed your book. Will there be a follow up? I would love to get a signed copy. Will you be speaking anywhere in Ontario over the next few months? Raymond P Mercuri

Hi Raymond, Yes, Brock's Railroad is on the shelves in about one month! I would be happy sign a book for you. Go to the events page on this site to see where I am speaking.

Feb 19/12 Happily or should that be unhappily I've now finished your book and will have to wait a long time until the next one. What can I say ... a terrific read, I enjoyed it a lot. It's one of those books that when it comes to an end you want to carry on reading and see what happens next. I can't believe that there is no publisher in the UK that is willing to take you and your books on. Anyway, I wish you success for the future and hope to see Wesrlake march on. Nick Breeze

That's very kind of you to say, Nick. You will not have to wait too long, as Brock's Railroad is out in a few months. As for UK publishers, I think it is difficult times for that industry right now. Perhaps someone will like Brock's Railroad. After all, Sir Isaac Brock is a British hero who captured more territory than Wellington. Did you know that Brock, Wellington,and Napoleon were all born in the same year - 1769!

Feb 8/12 Hello Tom, Working Niagara Falls passing your book every day curiosity got the better of me, I had to read Brock's Agent, and I must say it was excellent, didn't want to put it down. Knowing all the areas Westlake and Parrish traveled through, I could place myself there with them watching the events unfold. Thanks for the entertainment, now I just need you to sign it for me. Tom Churney

Happy you enjoyed it! Of course, I will sign it. I'm at the Living History Conference this Saturday, February 25, at University of Guelph. Failing that, I will be visiting Niagara in the summer.

Feb 4/ 12 Almost finished Brock's Agent and my favourite line, which I actuall cheered out loud when I read it was, "Not quite, Mr Stone." I knew exactly who it was. Really enjoying the book! Next time I see you I must shake your hand. Well written and well done!

Thanks, Rayn.

Jan 30/2012 I thoroughly enjoyed your book and wondered if you had any others. I read a lot of historical fiction, my favourite hobby! If you are just starting out, you will be successful. Best of luck, PFL

Glad you liked it. Brock's Railroad will be out in a few months.

Jan 8, 2012 I enjoyed your accont of these events very much. I found the map at the front very useful as I always like to visualize distances. I had to go and look up Nottawasaga and French R. as well as Gross Ile. Please include them in the next edition! Looking forward to the sequel. Miriam

Thanks Miriam. The next in the seies should be out in June.

Dec 30, 2011 Thoroughly enjoyed your book. I hope you are working on a sequel with the anniversary next year of the War of 1812. Bob Ferguson

Happy New Year, Bob. The next in the series is at the editor as I write.

Dec 27, 2011 "... a brilliantly crafted novel with tremendous period atmosphere. My only regreet is that your publisher does not offer it in a hardback edition. Many thanks for allowing me to journey with Mr. Westlake. Michael Long, Great Britain

Merry Christmas, Michael, and thanks for the kind words.


December 13/11 I haven't been able to put it down and I have 80 pages to read. It's a great read. I'm looking forward to Brock's Railroad. Tania

So am I, Tania. Merry Christmas!

December 9/11 A good read nicely weaved against the historical background. Bob Sears

Thanks Bob. PBS ran its War of 1812 again Wednesday night!

October 3/11 Thanks for all the hard work that went into your book. It was a wonderful read for me and restored my faith in how exciting Canadian history is. The War of 1812 will be braodcast on PBS stations at 9:00pm on October 10th. Regards, Peter Hobday

October 4th - I'm happy you liked Brock's Agent. All the 1812ers will be watching PBS on October 10th.

August 29/11 Met you at the Toronto Gift Show. I bought the book and couldn't put it down. - when is your next book due out? Bill O'Keefe

June of 2012 is the launch date for the next novel in the series. I'm happy you enjoyed BROCK'S AGENT.

August 18/11 Thank you for a phenominal story. It reveals the human side of what otherwisse can be facts. I could not put this book down until I had reluctantly finished it - reluctant becasue I wanted to go on and read more!

Just one question,sir, the naval base at Penetanguishene is not mentioned in Chapter 16, nor is the hut at Kempenflet Bay where the ammunition and provisions for Penetanguishene were left for the navel officers to collect and take back to the base, via the Nine Mile Portage and the canoe trip down the Nottawasga to Georgian Bay. Were these not in place until a later date? Judy Nuttall

Thanks Judy. Constuction did not begin in Penetanguishene until the fall of 1814.

August 3/11 I liked the book very much, and admire your style, and development of the plot. Well done. Ray Hobbs

July 19/11 Tom, Congratulations. An awesome read. History is so much more interesting when interwoven with a great fictional story. Brian.

July 13/11 Tom, Brock's Agent is wonderful. I read it in a weekend becaue I could not put it down. Congratulations - very impressive.

Bev Lepine C.A.

Hi Tom,

I suspect that you are hearing this many times daily, but Brock's Agent is great. It took me back to my youth and sitting on the summer grass devouring my Dad's Hornblower omnibus. Please tell me it is the first in a series. Rick Taylor

Hello Rick,

Thank you. And yes, I 'm happy to say that there is another jouney for Westlake on the way. Cheers.


I attended the Re-eractment of The Battle of Stoney Creek on Sat. June 4th. Sometime in the late afternoon I sat on a rock waiting for my family to retrieve a picture from one the the booths which was across from where you were set up selling your book. I ended up purchasing the book from you because I am a big fan of historical fiction, a war of 1812 buff, and an avid reader. :] I am also a very proud Canadian and try to support local artisans whenever possible.

All this to say - man am I glad I did!! Brock's Agent is one of the best stories I have read in a long time. Unforgettable characters and such vivid imagery of the early Canadian Frontier. My family came to Canada in 1785 crossing the Niagara river on Conestoga Wagons that they floated across dangerous currents on rafts made of logs they cut down on the American side. They settled in the short hills of Pelham and after some severe winters decided to head back to Pennsylvania. They got as far as Bertie township, and finally wound up in Wainfleet township a couple generations later. I am therefore facinated by stories about early pioneer life in Upper Canada for that reason. My son is nine generations Canadian.

Let me just say that you are a fabulous writer. My gratitude and congratulations go out to you for writing a book that is nothing less than a Canadian treasure. I have recommended your book to many people already and have purchased another copy and mailed it to a writer friend of mine (we grew up together in the wilds of Wainfleet Ontario in the Sixties)

Just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed reading your work and will be eagerly looking forward to your next endevour.

Warm Regards,

Rick Sider

Thanks for your kind words. We need more Canadians interested in history!

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Tom Taylor

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